
We build customized payment solutions for selected clients.

Ease of integration on the merchant side and simplified user experience on the customer side are our differentiators.

Feature sets will be bespoke as we do not believe in standardized B2B solutions, which always sacrifice features or customer experience.

Our superior microservice and cloud-based tech stack supports quick project turnarounds – our principles do not allow to create legacy systems with high maintenance cost or slow feature implementations.

Our experience in the payment industry is unmatched, and our team of only senior software developers guarantees high-quality deliveries.

We provide solutions and do not work based on time & material. We also do not run projects with an overstaffed team with unproductive overhead resources to manage projects, teams, meetings, clients, or deployments. In our people and tech setup, such overhead is not needed.

Therefore, we can quickly understand requirements, develop fast, deploy in minutes, and run our systems at an unmatched cost and service level.

If you think we match your needs get in contact with us.

5G Pay GmbH